On the 13 Jan, after 6 flights and a few visits with friends and family in different places, we arrived in Nampa, Idaho. We began MAF Candidacy class on Jan 15.
Our class
Coming from a smaller MAF program like the one in South Africa, we didn’t know 100% what Candidacy Class actually was. It is described as the ‘engagement’ phase of this marriage-like relationship between families and MAF. A time to ‘check each other out’ and see if we want to tie the knot.
We are here with 6 other families (one for just a few days, and they have already moved into the field for a 2 month service). The other families are all from the USA, and from various stages of life. Each family feels a strong call into mission work with MAF, and we bonded by our common call and all being in the same stage with MAF.
We are staying in visitors apartments that MAF owns. They keep these apartments in great condition, and they are available as a service to missionaries who are either in the process of training, or who are home on furlough. So we have enjoyed having a warm and comfortable place to call home for this month.
Top Left: MAF HQ, Top Right: The apartments, Bottom Left: MAF Offices, Bottom Right: Our home sweet home for a month.
The classes are aimed at giving us a healthy and realistic view of what MAF does. We have presentations from each regional director, explaining the work in each region where MAF operates, as well as presentations on what to expect, and how to deal with working across cultures. We also spend a lot of time talking about the ‘Why.’ So many operators focus on what they are doing, and they forget about why. MAF is driven by they why and it has been amazing to see every member of staff coming back to that reason, and showing that the why is what motivates them to be so professional and to strive for a great standard.
On Tuesday this week, the other families officially heard which region they are assigned to. They had a lot of input into this, and it wasn’t like in the South African defense force when my dad said ‘I’ll serve in the Air-force or the Navy,’ and based on that they sent him to the Army! Everyone has been really excited about their assigned region, and there will be families going to Indonesia, Africa and Latin America. For us, we are a little different in that we are on loan from MAF SA, to go specifically to Lesotho. So no big surprise!
Our turn to talk at Chapel
On Wednesday the candidate class led the chapel service at headquarters. , which was a lot of fun. We heard stories from each of the families about where they are from, where they are going, and a few fun and crazy stories from their lives. We are a diverse group: a former F-16 and Reaper pilot, an IT specialist/bassist/pilot who also rock climbs pretty seriously, a Nashville musician, a Puerto Rican, an aerobatic pilot, a South African flight instructor (oh wait, that’s me) and more! We have had such fun with them and look forward to the next steps.
Monday, we launch into 2 weeks of classes about “Ministry Partnership”. This is the phase where we learn about inviting others into our ministry work, and giving them an opportunity for ringside seats to what God is doing around the world through MAF.
Top Left: The mountains around Idaho, Top Middle: Inside the MAF training hanger, Top Right: Farms nearby where we are staying, Bottom Left: Idaho landscape, Bottom Middle:MAF is in a well named street, Bottom Right: Jane playing on the MAF jungle gym.
Thank you for following along with us. We are excited about being with MAF, and taking part in their mission to share the love of Jesus by reaching outward and helping isolated people in real and important ways.